Arduino Mega ADK and Android Application communication

After 4 weeks of browsing, trials and errors, I finally found a solution for the Arduino Mega ADK and Android simple LED Blink. So, I thought I can help you in saving some time for similar situation.

In this blog post I will walk you through the communication process of Arduino Meag ADK (which I bought from Microcenter for $17) and an android phone - LG Volt (which I bought from BestBuy for around $40). There two critical parts for this tutorial. Dont worry it was easy compared to all my research for 4 weeks. If you follow each and every step in this tutorial you will have a working prototype in an hour or less. Lets start.

Part 1: Setting up Arduino Mega ADK & Coding
Part 2: Setting up Android Studio to work with Google API & Coding

Once the above two steps are complete, make sure you have developer options turned on and connect your android to the MegaADK. You should receive a prompt asking for permissions, if not, tap the push button on the Arduino board, that should get you prompt. If everything goes well, you will have the light blinking with your touch on the Android app that is developed.


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